January-April 1969
Room With Cutouts was A 10’ high, 14’ x 14’ corrugated cardboard room constructed inside the Vancouver Art Gallery gallery as one of the series of environments which made up the Electrical Connection exhibition.
The Room With Cut-outs project could be described as an interactive three dimensional image and sound portrait of 13 of the Intermedia artists involved in the Electrical Connection exhibition. It was based on three group portraits of those artists along with their their recorded conversation. these portraits were enlarged to 10’ x 14’ mural size prints, which along with a forth print, which was blank white, were mounted onto panels made from 6 layers of laminated corrugated cardboard. Once mounted the over life-size figures were cut-out and removed from their backgrounds. These backgrounds, bolted together at right angles on a 2”x3” wooden armature were configured in the gallery as the four walls of the room. The cut-out figures were arranged in groupings within the room. Each figure was attached to a light/motion-sensor controlled audiotape player loaded with pre-recorded snippets of the conversation. Audience/participants entered the installation through the cut-out voids left in the outer walls. As they moved, within the room, amongst the free standing figures their movement triggered audio activating a continuous random conversation.
Artists portrayed in Room With Cutouts:
- David Rimmer
- Ed Varney
- Terrance Masciuch
- Tim Mackenzie
- Al Neil
- Bob Arnold
- Gary Lee-Nova with Dianne Leduc
- Gregg Simpson
- Glenn Lewis
- Werner Aellen
- Gathie Falk
- Helen Goodwin