Explore Woodlands Cemetery

Over three thousand people were buried in the cemetery at Woodlands from 1920 to 1958.

The cemetery list shows the names of the individuals and the burial plots. The list is based on an updated database provided by The British Columbia Association of Community Living, BCACL.

Click on the individual names to see where they are buried and to read comments about them.
You can also add your own comments.

The cemetery map shows markers for all the individuals buried in the Woodlands cemetery.

The search box can be used to look up individuals by name or key words.

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From headstones to patio stones

In the summer of during the early 80's I got a summer job at Woodlands. Outside of Fraserview they were boasting about their newly installed barbecue area. The recreation staff decided to have a barbecue there for some of the residents. I was there assisting with some of the residents when I noticed one of the patio stones was loose. It was obvious that it had not been installed properly. I lifted it up and turned it over and realized it was a grave stone. I was appalled by the disrespect for whomever it belonged. Later I learned that there had been a grave yard on site. The staff at the time believed the graves were still there but the authorities had ordered the grave stones removed. After a while the stones were secured and you could no longer turn them over.

Arthur Alderson

"General paralysis of the insane" refers to a manifestation of late stage syphilis. The discovery and widespread manufacture of penicillin provided an effective cure.

People from several groups, including patients from the Asylum for the Insane, were buried under what is now New Westminster Secondary School from approximately 1860 to 1920.

Arthur Alderson

Shock therapy not in use at that time.

Arthur was at PHI from the 4th of March 1915, until his death on the 23rd of November 1915, General paralysis of the insane, cause of death. Dr. Steeves signed the Death certificate, he was a staff doctor. listed as buried in New Westminster, burial by the Bowell Company ( a long time funeral director in New Westminster ) b. 1884 England. Married in 1910 Gladys Violet Demmon, she remarried in 1920 to William Herbert Woodward

New Westminster Public Library has the Bowell funeral records for the date in question. which should tell you Where he is buried.
Good luck

Arthur Anderson

Hello Darlene,

might you be looking for Arthur Anderson who died in 1930 and is buried in the former Woodlands Cemetery in New Westminster:

for access to his medical records I suggest you contact the Royal BC Museum at: http://royalbcmuseum.bc.ca/bcarchives/
as family you are entitled to copies any medical records they might have. Call or email the archives and make a freedom of information request for those records. There is, as far as I know , no charge for this service.

Michael de Courcy

Burials prior to 1920

My great grandfather died at New Westminster in November, 1915. Does anyone know how to locate records from 1915 or know where to find where patients at that time were buried? His name was Arthur Alderson. I have located a copy of his death certificate stating he died of "insane paralysis". I suspect he had received some sort of shock therapy which left him incapacitated. He was only in his thirties and left behind my grandmother who was only a few months old. My grandmother and one of her sons both suffered from the affects of Alzheimers and makes me wonder if this wasn't what happened to my great grandfather. My father was never told anything about his granddad other than his name. People were too ashamed to mention those with such afflictions. Let me know if anyone has any ideas! Thank you. Darlene