David Ross Wilson
David Ross
Date died:
Thu, 1955-04-21
Date buried:
Wed, 1955-04-27
Cemetery block:
Cemetery plot:
Plot location:
49° 12' 59.616" N, 122° 54' 4.8852" W
More info on David
According to his online death record, He was born on 18 September 1878 in Ontario. It states that his Father was James Stewart Wilson and his Mother was Eleanor Branscomb. Further searching the Ontario birth records on Ancestry there is a birth record for David. It says that he was born in Bay View, Sarawach Township in Grey County, Ontario. His father was born in Kingston, Ontario nad his mother was born "in or near" St. Johns, Newfoundland. He was single and has been in BC for 45yearsin 1955.