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Joseph Hans Rosenbeck
Joseph Hans
Date died:
Sun, 1956-07-08
Date buried:
Thu, 1956-07-12
Cemetery block:
Cemetery plot:
Plot location:
49° 12' 59.7024" N, 122° 54' 4.3236" W
Would appreciate any information
Joseph Hans died away from his family. He had established them in Wells, BC and fell ill to a brain tumour. He was sent to Vancouver. They had recently immigrated from Germany and it was impossible for the family to visit. It was always his son, Hans' wish to lay a memorial or find his placart. We visited the area trying to figure out where he lay. Any news would be appreciated.
Thank you, Kelli Rosenbeck
Thank you . . .
In 2006, my husband Hans born in 1953 the youngest son of Joseph Hans Rosenbeck spent quite a bit of time trying to track down his father's grave site. The more we investigated, the more we realized that we may never be able to actually pinpoint where he was buried.
Joseph was an enterprising young man and brought his family from East Germany to Frankfurt to Canada to built a future. He was a brickworker at the mine in Wells BC when he developed a brain tumour (the family felt it occured through two bad blows to his head - one while building in Germany when he fell and another when he was struck by a piece of wood).He was a bright, motivated young man and he began to have difficulty. The doctor sent him to Vancouver for treatment. He ended up in Essendale. That must have been amazingly difficult for him. Next his wife, Johanna, heard was that he had died. She could not make the trip to Vancouver as she had no means and no English (and she had a baby and a yound child). He died alone and his caretaker and family apparently attended his burial. We wanted to place flowers on his grave. I know it is so very late but.... we felt it was time he was honoured.
You have no idea how wonderful to see Joseph Hans Rosenbeck's name show up when clicked. He existed. I cannot wait to show his son.
Thank you.